

Lady GaGaLady GaGa出生于紐約的Yonkers,雙親為意大利人。小時(shí)候就讀于名為the Sacred Heart的天主教學(xué)校,時(shí)尚名媛Paris Hilton(帕麗斯·希爾頓)和Caroline Kennedy都是她的校友。2006年,Gaga在自紐約大學(xué)輟學(xué)之后,簽約Interscope Records成為作曲人。曾為布蘭妮、菲姬、小野貓、阿肯等知名歌手作曲。當(dāng)Akon發(fā)現(xiàn)Gaga同時(shí)具有幕前演唱的實(shí)力后,他簽約Gaga到自己旗下,自此她開始籌備首張個(gè)人專輯。2008年,Gaga發(fā)布了自己的首張個(gè)人專輯《The Fame》,她自己解釋此專輯為“有關(guān)讓所有人都能感覺到如何著名?!? 外文名: Lady GaGa 國(guó)籍: 美國(guó) 出生地: 美國(guó)紐約的揚(yáng)克斯(Yonkers) 出生日期: 1986年3月28日 職業(yè): 歌手,作曲家 畢業(yè)院校: 紐約大學(xué) 經(jīng)紀(jì)公司: Kon Live Distribution 代表作品: Paparazzi,Beautiful Dirty Rich 星座: 白羊座 身高: 162CM



是努爾哈赤的養(yǎng)子。 愛新覺羅·濟(jì)爾哈朗(1599-1655),和碩莊親王愛新覺羅·舒爾哈齊第六子;己亥年十月初二日丑時(shí)生,母為舒爾哈齊五娶福晉烏喇納喇氏,布干貝勒之女;順治十二年乙未五月初八日(1655年6月11日)寅時(shí)薨,年五十七歲。濟(jì)爾哈朗自小就生活在努爾哈赤的宮中,由努爾哈赤加以撫養(yǎng),所以他與努爾哈赤的兒子們關(guān)系很好,尤其是與皇太極的關(guān)系更是非同一般,這樣他才會(huì)在父兄反叛后依舊受到信任和重用。濟(jì)爾哈朗從青年時(shí)代起就追隨努爾哈赤南征北討,因軍功受封為和碩貝勒。是努爾哈赤時(shí)期共柄國(guó)政的八大和碩貝勒之一,也是皇太極時(shí)代四大親王之一。成為清朝歷史上惟一一位受“叔王”封號(hào)的人。后入享太廟。



Deciduous In botany and horticulture, deciduous plants, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials, are those that lose all of their leaves for part of the year. This process is called abscission. In some cases the leaf loss coincides with winter - namely in temperate or polar climates. While in other areas of the world, plants lose their leaves during the dry season or during other seasonal variations in rainfall, including tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The converse of deciduous is evergreen; plants that are intermediate may be called semi-deciduous. Some tree, including a few Oak species have desiccated leaves that remain on the tree through winter; these dry persistent leaves are called marcescent leaves and are dropped in the spring as new growth begins.
Like many deciduous plants, Forsythia flowers during the leafless season Many deciduous plants flower during the period when they are leafless, as this increases the effectiveness of pollination. The absence of leaves improves wind transmission of pollen in the case of wind-pollinated plants, and increases the visibility of the flowers to insects in insect-pollinated plants. This strategy is not without risks, as the flowers can be damaged by frost, or in dry season areas, result in water stress on the plant. Nevertheless, by losing leaves in the cold winter days, plants can reduce water loss since most of the water would appear as ice, and there is much less branch and trunk breakage from glaze ice storms when leafless. Leaf drop or abscission involves complex physiological signals and changes within plants. The process of photosynthesis steadily degrades the supply of chlorophylls in foliage; plants normally replenish chlorophylls during the summer months. When days grow short and nights are cool, or when plants are drought stressed, deciduous trees decrease chlorophyll pigment production allowing other pigments present in the leaf to become apparent, resulting in fall color. These other pigments include carotenoids that are yellow, brown, and orange. Anthocyanin pigments produce reds and purple colors, though they are not always present in the leaves but are produced in the foliage in late summer when sugars are trapped in the leaves after the process of abscission begins. Parts of the world that have showy displays of bright fall colors are limited to locations where days become short and nights are cool. In other parts of the world the leaves of deciduous trees simply fall off without turning the bright colors produced from the accumulation of anthocyanin pigments. The beginning of leaf drop starts when an abscission layer is formed between the leaf petiole and the stem. This layer is formed in the spring during active new growth of the leaf, it consists of layers of cells that can separate from each other. The cells are sensitive to a plant hormone called auxin that is produced by the leaf and other parts of the plant. When the auxin coming from the leaf is produced at a rate consistent with that of the auxin from the body of the plant, the cells of the abscission layer remain connected; in the fall or when under stress the auxin flow from the leaf decreases or stops triggering cellular elongation within the abscission layer. The elongation of these cells break the connection between the different cell layers, allowing the leaf to break away from the plant, it also forms a layer that seals the break so the plant does not lose sap. A number of deciduous plants remove nitrogen and carbon from the foliage before they are shed and store them in the form of proteins in the vacuoles of parenchyma cells in the roots and the inner bark. In the spring these proteins are used as a nitrogen source during the growth of new leaves or flowers.[3] Plants with deciduous foliage compared to plants with evergreen foliage, have both advantages and disadvantages in growth and competition for space. Since deciduous plants lose their leaves to conserve water or to better survive winter weather conditions, they must regrow new foliage when the next growing season is suitable, this uses more resources which evergreens do not need to expend.


