1,愚公移山 用英文怎么說(shuō)
The foolish old man removed mountains
YUGONG removed the moutain
是:愚公移山 the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains.
你好!Remove male fool mountain希望對(duì)你有所幫助,望采納。
英文:the stupid man move stupid
the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains.; the determination to win victory and the courage to surmount every difficulty前面是直譯,后面是意譯
W 你好,安娜,在我今天的語(yǔ)文課堂上,我們讀了一篇叫愚公移山的著名的故事。
A 故事是怎旦肌測(cè)可爻玖詫雪超磨么開(kāi)始的?
W 好的,在很久很久以前,有一個(gè)老人,在他家旁邊由兩座大山,山又高又大的,他要花很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間才可以繞過(guò)山到山的對(duì)面去。
A 接著發(fā)生什么事情?
W 好的,老人家告訴他的家人,說(shuō)他們應(yīng)該一起幫助他把山移走。
A 嗯嗯,但是一個(gè)老人家甚至不能移走一棵小樹(shù)。
W 是的,他的妻子也是這么說(shuō)的
A 那么他們?cè)趺窗焉缴系耐粮^搬走呢?
W 愚公說(shuō)可以把它們放進(jìn)海里,因?yàn)楹D苎b一切的東西。因此他們第二天就開(kāi)始挖掘了?。?
太行、王屋兩座山,方圓達(dá)七百里,高達(dá)七八千丈。它們?cè)瓉?lái)位于冀州的南部、黃河北岸。 山北面有一位叫愚公的老人,年近九十歲了,向著大山居住。苦于大山的阻塞,出入要繞遠(yuǎn)路,于是他召集全家人商量說(shuō):"我和你們竭盡全力鏟平這兩座大山,(使道路)直通豫州南部,達(dá)到漢水南岸,好嗎?"大家紛紛表示贊同。他的妻子提出疑問(wèn)說(shuō):"憑您的力氣,像魁父這樣的小山丘也不能鏟平,能把大行、王屋怎樣呢?再說(shuō)把石頭和泥土往哪兒放呢?"大伙紛紛說(shuō):"把土石投到渤海邊上、隱土的北面。"于是愚公率領(lǐng)子孫當(dāng)中能挑擔(dān)的三個(gè)人(上了山),鑿石掘土,用箕畚把土石運(yùn)到渤海邊上。鄰居姓京城的寡婦有個(gè)孤兒,才七八歲,(也)蹦蹦跳跳前來(lái)幫忙。夏去冬來(lái),才能往返一次。 河曲智叟嘲笑并阻止愚公說(shuō):"你太不聰明了!就憑你在世上這最后的幾年,剩下的這么點(diǎn)力氣,還不能毀掉山上的一根草木,又能把這大山的土石怎么樣?"北山愚公長(zhǎng)嘆了一口氣說(shuō):"你思想太頑固,頑固得不開(kāi)竅,連個(gè)寡婦、孤兒都比不上。即使我死了,還有我兒子在呀;兒子又生孫子,孫子又生兒子;兒子又有兒子,兒子又有孫子;子子孫孫永無(wú)窮盡,可是這兩座山卻不會(huì)再增高加大,還愁什么挖不平呢?"河曲智叟無(wú)話(huà)可答。 山神知道了這件事,害怕愚公挖山不止,就把這件事稟報(bào)天帝。天帝被愚公的誠(chéng)心感動(dòng)了,就命令大力神夸娥氏的兩個(gè)兒子背起兩座大山.-座放置在朔方東部,一座放置在雍州南部。從此,冀州的南部,直到漢水的南岸,再也沒(méi)有高山阻隔交通了。
6,有沒(méi)有英文版的愚公移山 謝了啊
English:Foolish old man to remove difficult, turns on the channel, leads entire family to move out Mountain in Shansi, the king room two mountains. This is one big and the arduous project, looks like in some people are imagines with difficulty. But, foolish old man is at a high game, difficult is not frightened, he dared to want to dare to say dares to do, this spirit will drive forever that we forwarded bravely!
Once upon a time, there was a large mountain called Tai-Ying which sat between Old Man Yu and the nearest village. Every day, Old Man Yu had to walk many extra miles in order to circle around Tai-Ying, and finally he decided to simply move the mountain out of his way.
Old Man Yu called together his children and grandchildren. "I am going to move Tai-Ying."
The family cheered.
The youngest stood and asked where the moutain could be moved.
Old Man Yu thought for a second. "I will dump it in the sea."
Again the family cheered, and promised to help make his dream a reality.
Now, as everyone knows, it is no small matter to move a mountain, and this mountain was no exception. After a year, only a tiny portion of Tai-Ying had been carted to the sea.
A shopkeeper in the village laughed at Old Man Yu. "Your dream is foolish. You are old, and Tai-Ying is monstrous."
Old Man Yu shook his head and smiled. "You are right, but your vision is short. I have children who have children who will bear more children. As time goes on, I get stronger and the mountain grows weaker. Tai-Ying will be moved."
And so it was.